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11 Oct 2012

Thankful Thursday- God Cares

1 Peter 5:7

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time,

Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

Thank you all for your comments on my last thankful Thursday / testimony. If you haven’t read it please do so by clicking here. 
My second testimony is more of an encouragement to others and also talks about the fact that God cares about even the simplest things. 

source: google images

So a few months ago I had to go abroad. I usually check in online anytime I travel and I usually aim for the aisle or window seat. I stay clear of the middle seats. Just not my style especially when travelling alone.

So I was able to choose my seats for my outbound and inbound trips. Outbound trip was totally fine, got my window seat. Inbound flight, I could only find a middle seat bang in the middle. Not aisle but middle middle so this will be me sitting inbetween two people for a 6 hour flight. Phew. It was one of those flights where you had to pay extra if you wanted a different type of seat…I didn’t quite understand that. Anyway….

I decided to worry more about it when I had to return, hoping some window and aisle seats would have turned up available. Day before my flight I checked but still no seats. I got to the airport and when I was going to drop my bag I asked the attendant- very nice lady- if there were any seats. She checked but said no. I said thank you and left.

At this point I just told myself I will be ok, I had bigger fishes to fry. Baale had just called me the day before with some worrying news. That took my mind away from my seat issues.

I went through the security gates and found my way to the boarding area. I realized there was free wifi so I quickly connected myself to continue chatting with Baale.

Next thing I hear my name been called from a distance “Mrs Aloted Omoba please come to the boarding gate for check in”. My name has never been called at the airport before so you can imagine my surprise. I was like “huh, check in? but no one else is checking in. Even first and business class, what’s going on?!.” I heard my name been called again.

I hurriedly packed all my stuff and walked to the gate. The lady asked for my passport and the conversation went something like this:

Lady: “hello Mrs Aloted, I see you have a middle seat”
Me with a sad look: “ya, I tried to find another seat but wasn’t happening and I wasn’t willing to pay extra for one”
Lady: “Well we just found you a window seat, will you be interested”
Me with a surprised look: “Really?! Of course I would!, this is fab”
Lady: “Yea, we are trying to seat a family together blah blah”

She changed my seat and I was thoroughly surprised. I was so not expecting that.  I know some of you may see it as coincidence but that is what I call God-incidence (my last testimony was also a classic God-incidence). How come out of everyone on that flight, I was called to change my seat before the flight.

At that very instance God brought to my mind the other thing Baale told me, that I was worried about. He reminded me to cast all my cares on him, because he's got me and the situation. I don’t even think I prayed about my seat getting changed…maybe once. I thought about how nice it would be but didn’t say any elaborate prayers or dwell on it. That made me realize God knows and cares about every single thing that concerns me.

Do you think God has forgotten you? Do you think he doesn’t care? Wrong! God cares much more than you can imagine. If he cared about me being comfortable on a 6-hour flight then I know he cares about the bigger stuff and will sort it out. He shows up right on time.

All you have to do is believe and humble yourself. You cannot do anything in your power.

What has God done for you recently to remind you he is your father and that HE cares? Please share in the comment box below.

Till next time stay blessed



  1. God is awesome! Almost 6 years ago, I thought about how nice it would be to start a job without having an interview. Guess what? that happened! I never prayed about it, but God brought it to pass nevertheless. It goes on to show how powerful our thoughts are. Im at a stage right now where I filter my thoughts and wont allow any negative thought take residence in my heart lest they determine the course of my life

    1. Wow. U just reminded me that God hears our thoughts. I didn't even think of it in that light.
      Positive thinking onwards. Tnx oluwakemi

  2. DO you know that sometimes, it's these little reminders that make me assured more that ever that He is a loving Father. That He is even mindful of the littlest things about us! Wow, what a mighty God!
    Just last month, I was planning to travel in a few weeks and I didn't have enough money and I was just wondering that Lord how? That's how my friend called me and says, I'm buy you a first class train ticket to go (my first 1st class! - anywhere lol) Mehn, see Holy Ghost upgrade! God is sooo faithful! I was just dancing.
    God bless you Aloted xxxx

  3. Wow Holy Ghost upgrade! I like it. He hears our thoughts.
    1 + the one. Where are you based?

  4. And to think that that happened when you weren't even thinking about it...

    If you had not been distracted by Baale's news, you may have made yourself unhappy just thinking about dealing with a middle seat. Goes to show that worry is not what solves anything. Sometimes we need to just let go.

    1. HI Natural Nigerian! Long time...good to see you here...

      You are right..worry does not solve anything. In fact it only compounds the problem.

      Thanks for your comment

  5. God has been awesome.....I wanted to relocate from a city and I thought ....I can pull this off myself..I shouldn't bug God with it. I pulled all the strings I could, it just wasn't working, I even resorted to begging sef... lai didn't work.

    After I acknowledged that God I can't do this on my own, I give up...he proved himself faithful...I got a phone call asking me to relocate in a week, all expense in...I was paid to relocate ..something I was willing and begging to do on my own bill. I knew then that there is nothing I don't need God issue is too big or small for him

    I couldn't stop dancing that day...till today people think I lie when I tell them that the relocation was not on my bill.

    1. Wow Sykik. Isn't God awesome...sometimes God allows us to do our best and worst then he just does it gbam!

      He specialises in impossible situations.

      Your testimony encouraged me. Thanks for sharing.

  6. God-incidence! I like God sha,he does things in His own way and His own time. He is good like that. Your testimony brings to mind something I said on twitter a while back "our thoughts are as powerful as our prayers"

    My little sister has been out of job for 1 year and 8 months, she's done loads of interviews and even moved on to doing other stuff, just when she was about to make a major business decision/move, God gave her a job last week, from a test she did over a year ago, her salary is in six-figures and 6 times her last salary.No stress at work and all. After all d praying n fasting n interviewing...she even gave up on job search.

    It just reminded me that, God still cares and he makes all things beautiful in His time

    1. Another wow testimony...i am glad you shared it cuz I know I needed to read this.

      He surely makes all things beautiful in its time. God-incidence things ;)

      Thank You Dayor.

  7. I love the word God-incidence. I will add that to my dictionary

  8. God is Good...Given us all 2 enjoi abundantli

  9. Its not in the length of our prayers or in the strength of our voice, its His faithfulness and that's just a humbling thought.


  10. What a cool story! God cares about the big and the little things :) LOVE IT!

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