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13 Sept 2012

Prayer challenge - IPray4U - Testimonies

So remember the IPray4U prayer challenge we did in July? Someone sent me some testimonies relating to the challenge and I have her permission to share them.

God is awesome and he is still in the business of surprising us.

1. My bestie is in the UK now & will be affected with the Jan 2013 visa ish..

Her office has agreed to sponsor her and she needed £1,000 to be in her account for 3 months.  A week or two after the iPray4u challenge someone sent her the money. With that she's good to go and we are trusting God for £1,500 for the visa process. God be praised.

2. One of my friends was feeling down, so she decided to join the challenge. So here's her testimony in her words:

"So I wrote out the names of people I felt needed my prayers. One of the names was that of my cousin that lives with me. He's been out of school for about 4/5yrs and believing God for a good job. Fortunately, my 1st day of iPray4u was his birthday (13th July). So I prayed that God should give him a special birthday gift."

And exactly 8day after, he got a job. He resumed work today. Funny thing abt the job is he didn't have to write a test. Just a chat & presentation with the MD. Halleluyah!"

***I still do the iPray4u challenge and I know God surprises us with more testimonies. Thanks dear, for allowing God to use you.

Isn't God amazing!!! He listens to our prayers. 

The Prayer challenge is still on,you can do it whenever you like. Also if you need support in prayer I will be glad to pray with you. Do contact me.

God wants to do something in YOUR life.